Jacky Baltes
National Taiwan Normal University
Taipei, Taiwan
Assume that we are trying to model a linear relationship between some input
The problem of predicting a numerical value (Y) is called a regression. Since we use a linear model, this is called a linear regression problem
The output variable
Dealing with the constant is not so nice, since it is a special case. Easier is to add a constant feature \( X_0 = 1\) for all features
If we interpret features \( X \) and weights \( w \) as vectors, then we can simplify the representation as the dot product of the two vectors
\[ Y = \vec{w} \cdot \vec{X} \]The dot product has a geometric interpretation
The dot product \( \vec{A} \cdot \vec{B} \) is the length of the projection of vector \( \vec{A} \) onto vector \( \vec{B} \) of unit length
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot( 2, 2, 1 )
a = np.array( [0.3, 0.4] )
b_theta = 30.0/180.0 * math.pi
b = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta), math.sin(b_theta)] )
p_d = a.dot(b)
p = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta) * p_d, math.sin(b_theta)*p_d] )
ax1.plot( [ 0, a[0] ], [0, a[1]], 'r-', label="X")
ax1.plot( [ 0, b[0] ], [0, b[1]], 'b-', label="W")
ax1.set_title( f"X * W = {p_d:.2f}" )
ax1.plot( [ 0, p[0] ], [0, p[1]], 'g--', label="b", linewidth=3)
ax1.plot( [p[0], a[0]], [p[1], a[1]], 'g--', linewidth=3)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot( 2, 2, 2 )
a = np.array( [0.2, 0.5] )
b_theta = math.atan2( a[1], a[0] ) - 90.0/180.0 * math.pi
b = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta), math.sin(b_theta)] )
p_d = a.dot(b)
p = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta) * p_d, math.sin(b_theta)*p_d] )
ax2.plot( [ 0, a[0] ], [0, a[1]], 'r-', label="X")
ax2.plot( [ 0, b[0] ], [0, b[1]], 'b-', label="W")
ax2.set_title( f"X * W = {p_d:.2f}" )
ax2.plot( [ 0, p[0] ], [0, p[1]], 'g--', label="b", linewidth=3)
ax2.plot( [p[0], a[0]], [p[1], a[1]], 'g--', linewidth=3)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot( 2, 2, 3 )
a = np.array( [-0.2, 0.5] )
b_theta = math.atan2( a[1], a[0] ) - 120.0/180.0 * math.pi
b = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta), math.sin(b_theta)] )
p_d = a.dot(b)
p = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta) * p_d, math.sin(b_theta)*p_d] )
ax3.plot( [ 0, a[0] ], [0, a[1]], 'r-', label="X")
ax3.plot( [ 0, b[0] ], [0, b[1]], 'b-', label="W")
ax3.set_title( f"X * W = {p_d:.2f}" )
ax3.plot( [ 0, p[0] ], [0, p[1]], 'g--', label="b", linewidth=3)
ax3.plot( [p[0], a[0]], [p[1], a[1]], 'g--', linewidth=3)
dp1 = addJBFigure("dp1", 0, 0, fig )
Using a geometric interpretation, the goal is to find a weight vector such that the projection of the inputs \( X \) will match the training data \( Y \)
Training process should for each training instance \( X_i \):
def createSampleData( NModel, Pmin, Pmax, NInstances, sigma ):
model = -0.5 + np.random.random(NModel)
x = Pmin + np.random.random( (NInstances) ) * (Pmax - Pmin)
Xs = np.zeros( (NInstances, NModel) )
for i in range(NModel):
Xs[:,i] = x ** i
Ys = Xs.dot(model)
if (sigma > 0):
Ys = Ys + np.random.normal(0.0, sigma, NInstances )
return Xs, Ys, model
def model_to_string( model ):
s = []
for i in range(len(model) ):
if i == 0:
st = "{0:.2f}".format(model[i] )
elif i == 1:
st = "{0:.2f}x".format(model[i])
st = "{0:.2f}x^{1}".format(model[i], i )
if ( i < len(model) - 1 ) and ( model[i] > 0 ):
st = "+" + st
s.append( st )
return " ".join( reversed( s ) )
NModel = 4
Pmin, Pmax = -5,5
NInstances = 50
sigma = 10
Xs, Ys, model = createSampleData( NModel, Pmin, Pmax, NInstances, sigma )
xm = np.linspace( Pmin, Pmax, 100 )
xModel = np.zeros( (len(xm), len(model) ) )
for i in range(len(model)):
xModel[:,i] = xm ** i
yModel = xModel.dot(model)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot( xm, yModel, linewidth=2, color="red", label="Model" )
ax.plot( Xs[:,1], Ys, '*', linewidth=2, color="blue", label="Sampled data")
ax.set_title( model_to_string( model ) )
lr1 = addJBFigure("lr1", 0, 0, fig )
#print(Xs, Ys)
Find the correct weight vector \( w \)
System of linear equations with 4 unknowns
But we have more training instances 50
Pick 4 instances at random
If there is no noise, this would work
System is overconstrained and distorted by noise: Solution is not exact. Optimization criteria: Least squared error (LSE) approximation
print( Xs[0:NModel], Ys[0:NModel] )
NModel = 4
Pmin, Pmax = -5,5
NInstances = 50
sigma = 10
Xs, Ys, model = createSampleData( NModel, Pmin, Pmax, NInstances, sigma )
xm = np.linspace( Pmin, Pmax, 100 )
xModel = np.zeros( (len(xm), len(model) ) )
for i in range(len(model)):
xModel[:,i] = xm ** i
yModel = xModel.dot(model)
modelD = np.linalg.solve( Xs[0:NModel], Ys[0:NModel] )
print( modelD )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot( xm, yModel, linewidth=2, color="red", label="Model" )
ax.plot( Xs[:,1], Ys, '*', linewidth=2, color="blue", label="Sampled data")
yd = xModel.dot( modelD )
ax.plot( xm, yd, linewidth=2, color="green", label="Model first {0} points".format(NModel) )
lr2 = addJBFigure("lr2", 0, 0, fig )
[[ 1. -4.87387023 23.75461107 -115.77689181] [ 1. -4.62062624 21.35018688 -98.65123378] [ 1. -4.44377526 19.74713852 -87.75184555] [ 1. -4.06878947 16.55504775 -67.35900395]] [-19.91828386 -19.61005279 -50.38380305 -27.10590056] [-5032478.09411507 -3213072.78931621 -683605.80951343 -48465.93890185]
To calculat the least squared error approximation for a system of linear equations, we can use the Moore Penrose method
Given the system of linear equations
\[ X \cdot \vec{w} = \vec{Y} \], where \( X \) is a matrix of instances ( size: 50,4 ), \( w \) is the weight vector ( size: 4,1), and \( \vec{Y} \) is the target value (size: 50,1 )We pre-multiply the equation with \( X^T \), the transpose of \( X \), then solve the resulting correctly sized linear system
The solution of the new linear system is the least squared error solution to the original over-constrained system distorted by noise (Normal Equation)
Given the system of linear equations
\[ X \cdot \vec{w} = \vec{Y} \Rightarrow\\ X^T \cdot X \cdot \vec{w} = X^T \cdot \vec{Y} \] , where \( X \) is a matrix of instances ( size: 50,4 ), \( X^T \) is a matrix of instances ( size: 4,50 ), \( w \) is the weight vector ( size: 4,1), and \( \vec{Y} \) is the target value (size: 50,1 )modelBMPInv = np.linalg.solve( Xs.T.dot(Xs), Xs.T.dot(Ys) )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot( xm, yModel, linewidth=2, color="red", label="Model" )
ax.plot( Xs[:,1], Ys, '*', linewidth=2, color="blue", label="Sampled data")
yd = xModel.dot( modelBMPInv )
ax.plot( xm, yd, linewidth=2, color="green", label="Model first {0} points".format(NModel) )
m_s = model_to_string( model )
err = sum( (Xs.dot(modelBMPInv) - Ys) ** 2 )
ax.set_title( f"Model found: {m_s} Error: {err:.2f}")
lr3 = addJBFigure("lr3", 0, 0, fig )
Note that the solution found using the Normal equation is the optimal solution, i.e., the solution that minimizes the sum of the squared errors.
Model: \( y = w_1 + w_2 * x + w_3 * x^2 \) (Parabola)
X | Y |
np.linalg.solve(Xs.T.dot(Xs), Xs.T.dot(Ys))
np.linalg.leastsq(Xs, Ys)
Model found: [-1.90, -0.51, 0.50]
Error: 17.94