Linear Regression

Jacky Baltes
National Taiwan Normal University
Taipei, Taiwan

07 May 2022

Linear Model

Assume that we are trying to model a linear relationship between some input variables X and an output variable Y.

The problem of predicting a numerical value (Y) is called a regression. Since we use a linear model, this is called a linear regression problem

The output variable Y is a weighted some of the input features X

\[ Y = w_1 X_1 + w_2 X_2 + w_3 X_3 \cdots w_n X_n + c \\ Y = \sum_{i=0}^{n} w_{i} X_{i} + c \] c is a constant offset to bias the model

Dealing with the constant is not so nice, since it is a special case. Easier is to add a constant feature \( X_0 = 1\) for all features

If we interpret features \( X \) and weights \( w \) as vectors, then we can simplify the representation as the dot product of the two vectors

\[ Y = \vec{w} \cdot \vec{X} \]

Weights, Features, and the Dot Product

The dot product has a geometric interpretation

The dot product \( \vec{A} \cdot \vec{B} \) is the length of the projection of vector \( \vec{A} \) onto vector \( \vec{B} \) of unit length

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot( 2, 2, 1 )

a = np.array( [0.3, 0.4] )
b_theta = 30.0/180.0 * math.pi 
b = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta), math.sin(b_theta)] )

p_d =
p = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta) * p_d, math.sin(b_theta)*p_d] )

ax1.plot( [ 0, a[0] ], [0, a[1]], 'r-', label="X")
ax1.plot( [ 0, b[0] ], [0, b[1]], 'b-', label="W")
ax1.set_title( f"X * W = {p_d:.2f}" )
ax1.plot( [ 0, p[0] ], [0, p[1]], 'g--', label="b", linewidth=3)
ax1.plot( [p[0], a[0]], [p[1], a[1]], 'g--', linewidth=3)


ax2 = fig.add_subplot( 2, 2, 2 )

a = np.array( [0.2, 0.5] )
b_theta = math.atan2( a[1], a[0] ) - 90.0/180.0 * math.pi 
b = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta), math.sin(b_theta)] )

p_d =
p = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta) * p_d, math.sin(b_theta)*p_d] )

ax2.plot( [ 0, a[0] ], [0, a[1]], 'r-', label="X")
ax2.plot( [ 0, b[0] ], [0, b[1]], 'b-', label="W")
ax2.set_title( f"X * W = {p_d:.2f}" )
ax2.plot( [ 0, p[0] ], [0, p[1]], 'g--', label="b", linewidth=3)
ax2.plot( [p[0], a[0]], [p[1], a[1]], 'g--', linewidth=3)


ax3 = fig.add_subplot( 2, 2, 3 )

a = np.array( [-0.2, 0.5] )
b_theta = math.atan2( a[1], a[0] ) - 120.0/180.0 * math.pi 
b = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta), math.sin(b_theta)] )

p_d =
p = np.array( [ math.cos(b_theta) * p_d, math.sin(b_theta)*p_d] )

ax3.plot( [ 0, a[0] ], [0, a[1]], 'r-', label="X")
ax3.plot( [ 0, b[0] ], [0, b[1]], 'b-', label="W")
ax3.set_title( f"X * W = {p_d:.2f}" )
ax3.plot( [ 0, p[0] ], [0, p[1]], 'g--', label="b", linewidth=3)
ax3.plot( [p[0], a[0]], [p[1], a[1]], 'g--', linewidth=3)


dp1 = addJBFigure("dp1", 0, 0, fig )

Geometric Interpretation of the Dot Product

Geometric Interpretation of the Dot Product

Using a geometric interpretation, the goal is to find a weight vector such that the projection of the inputs \( X \) will match the training data \( Y \)

Training process should for each training instance \( X_i \):

  1. If \( w \cdot X_i = Y_i \), then we do not change \( w \)
  2. If \( w \cdot X_i < Y_i \), then we want to make the angle between \( X \) and \( w \) smaller
  3. If \( w \cdot X_i > Y_i \), then we want to make the angle between \( X \) and \( w \) bigger

Geometric Interpretation of the Dot Product

  • If \( w \cdot X_i = Y_i \), then we do not change \( w \)
  • If \( w \cdot X_i < Y_i \), then we want to make the angle between \( X \) and \( w \) smaller: Move \( w \) a small step in the direction of \( X \)
  • If \( w \cdot X_i > Y_i \), then we want to make the angle between \( X \) and \( w \) bigger: Move \( w \) a small step in the opposite direction of \( X \)
  • random.seed(20191202)
    def createSampleData( NModel, Pmin, Pmax, NInstances, sigma ):
      model = -0.5 + np.random.random(NModel)
      x = Pmin + np.random.random( (NInstances) ) * (Pmax - Pmin)
      Xs = np.zeros( (NInstances, NModel) )
      for i in range(NModel):
        Xs[:,i] = x ** i
      Ys =
      if (sigma > 0):
        Ys = Ys + np.random.normal(0.0, sigma, NInstances ) 
      return Xs, Ys, model
    def model_to_string( model ):
      s = []
      for i in range(len(model) ):
        if i == 0:
          st = "{0:.2f}".format(model[i] )
        elif i == 1:
          st = "{0:.2f}x".format(model[i])
          st = "{0:.2f}x^{1}".format(model[i], i )
        if ( i < len(model) - 1 ) and ( model[i] > 0 ):
          st = "+" + st
        s.append( st )
      return " ".join( reversed( s ) )
    NModel = 4
    Pmin, Pmax = -5,5
    NInstances = 50
    sigma = 10
    Xs, Ys, model = createSampleData( NModel, Pmin, Pmax, NInstances, sigma )
    xm = np.linspace( Pmin, Pmax, 100 )
    xModel = np.zeros( (len(xm), len(model) ) )
    for i in range(len(model)):
      xModel[:,i] = xm ** i 
    yModel =
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.plot( xm, yModel, linewidth=2, color="red", label="Model" )
    ax.plot( Xs[:,1], Ys, '*', linewidth=2, color="blue", label="Sampled data")
    ax.set_title( model_to_string( model ) )
    lr1 = addJBFigure("lr1", 0, 0, fig )
    #print(Xs, Ys)

    Linear Regression

    Find the correct weight vector \( w \)

    System of linear equations with 4 unknowns

    But we have more training instances 50

    Pick 4 instances at random

    If there is no noise, this would work

    System is overconstrained and distorted by noise: Solution is not exact. Optimization criteria: Least squared error (LSE) approximation

    print( Xs[0:NModel], Ys[0:NModel] )
    NModel = 4
    Pmin, Pmax = -5,5
    NInstances = 50
    sigma = 10
    Xs, Ys, model = createSampleData( NModel, Pmin, Pmax, NInstances, sigma )
    xm = np.linspace( Pmin, Pmax, 100 )
    xModel = np.zeros( (len(xm), len(model) ) )
    for i in range(len(model)):
      xModel[:,i] = xm ** i 
    yModel =
    modelD = np.linalg.solve( Xs[0:NModel], Ys[0:NModel] )
    print( modelD )
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.plot( xm, yModel, linewidth=2, color="red", label="Model" )
    ax.plot( Xs[:,1], Ys, '*', linewidth=2, color="blue", label="Sampled data")
    yd = modelD )
    ax.plot( xm, yd, linewidth=2, color="green", label="Model first {0} points".format(NModel) )
    lr2 = addJBFigure("lr2", 0, 0, fig )
    [[   1.           -4.87387023   23.75461107 -115.77689181]
     [   1.           -4.62062624   21.35018688  -98.65123378]
     [   1.           -4.44377526   19.74713852  -87.75184555]
     [   1.           -4.06878947   16.55504775  -67.35900395]] [-19.91828386 -19.61005279 -50.38380305 -27.10590056]
    [-5032478.09411507 -3213072.78931621  -683605.80951343   -48465.93890185]

    Picking 4 Instances Gives Bad Result

    Moore Penrose Pseudo Inverse Method

    To calculat the least squared error approximation for a system of linear equations, we can use the Moore Penrose method

    Given the system of linear equations

    \[ X \cdot \vec{w} = \vec{Y} \], where \( X \) is a matrix of instances ( size: 50,4 ), \( w \) is the weight vector ( size: 4,1), and \( \vec{Y} \) is the target value (size: 50,1 )

    Moore Penrose Pseudo Inverse Method

    We pre-multiply the equation with \( X^T \), the transpose of \( X \), then solve the resulting correctly sized linear system

    The solution of the new linear system is the least squared error solution to the original over-constrained system distorted by noise (Normal Equation)

    Given the system of linear equations

    \[ X \cdot \vec{w} = \vec{Y} \Rightarrow\\ X^T \cdot X \cdot \vec{w} = X^T \cdot \vec{Y} \] , where \( X \) is a matrix of instances ( size: 50,4 ), \( X^T \) is a matrix of instances ( size: 4,50 ), \( w \) is the weight vector ( size: 4,1), and \( \vec{Y} \) is the target value (size: 50,1 )
    modelBMPInv = np.linalg.solve(, )
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.plot( xm, yModel, linewidth=2, color="red", label="Model" )
    ax.plot( Xs[:,1], Ys, '*', linewidth=2, color="blue", label="Sampled data")
    yd = modelBMPInv )
    ax.plot( xm, yd, linewidth=2, color="green", label="Model first {0} points".format(NModel) )
    m_s = model_to_string( model )
    err = sum( ( - Ys) ** 2 ) 
    ax.set_title( f"Model found: {m_s} Error: {err:.2f}")
    lr3 = addJBFigure("lr3", 0, 0, fig )

    Least Squared Error Approximation

    Note that the solution found using the Normal equation is the optimal solution, i.e., the solution that minimizes the sum of the squared errors.

    Another Example

    Model: \( y = w_1 + w_2 * x + w_3 * x^2 \) (Parabola)

    X Y
    [[ 1.00000000e+00 -4.87387023e+00  2.37546111e+01]
     [ 1.00000000e+00 -4.06878947e+00  1.65550477e+01]
     [ 1.00000000e+00 -3.08140895e+00  9.49508114e+00]
     [ 1.00000000e+00 -2.98084050e+00  8.88541008e+00]
     [ 1.00000000e+00 -1.14137889e-01  1.30274578e-02]
     [ 1.00000000e+00 -6.11217292e-02  3.73586578e-03]
     [ 1.00000000e+00  1.05832973e+00  1.12006181e+00]
     [ 1.00000000e+00  2.51483272e+00  6.32438360e+00]
     [ 1.00000000e+00  3.45017552e+00  1.19037111e+01]
     [ 1.00000000e+00  4.64334480e+00  2.15606510e+01]]
    [12.15773662  7.62397785  3.51714919  6.18707275 -1.05941512 -0.97355602
     -2.12049185 -2.98771534  2.45153151  7.75748341]
    np.linalg.leastsq(Xs, Ys)

    Model found: [-1.90, -0.51, 0.50]

    Error: 17.94